Protects coastal flooding due to the stability of the rock armour under different design conditions.As technology advances for tidal, it will get increasingly cheaper and efficient.Only needing to assess the low or high tide, makes it easier for engineers to design efficient systems. Predictable energy output – tides are predictable and constant, thanks to gravitational forces.However, as we are still waiting on tidal energy to become more economical, there are a few alternative ways that we can capture tidal energy, highlighted in the video below. Tidal can be harnessed in three different ways tidal streams, barrages, and lagoons. Here in Northern Ireland, in 2007 at Strangford Lough, the world’s first-ever commercial-scale tidal power station (SeaGen) was developed, consisting of two 600kW turbines. Across the world, tidal energy is improving, as engineers develop new concepts and technologies to increase energy demand. The weather in the Scottish Isles allows for the largest production of tidal power in the UK – did you know that the latest figures have shown that Scotland produced enough energy from wind farms in the first half of 2019 to power up to 4.47m homes? Nearly double the amount it has. The turbines are likened to wind turbines, except they are positioned underwater. Tidal power surrounds gravitational hydropower, which uses the movement of water to push a turbine to generate electricity.

Tidal energy is created using the movement of our tides and oceans, where the intensity of the water from the rise and fall of tides is a form of kinetic energy.